YUAN Yinzhi (China)

Chiński pianista Yinzhi Yuan jest stypendystą Fredericka Johnstona wspieranej przez stypendium Steinway, dzięki któremu rozpoczął studia w Royal College of Music w klasie Diny Parakhiny. Jest laureatem wielu międzynarodowych konkursów, m.in. I miejsca na International Medtner Competition w Heidelbergu, III miejsca na International Magnus Piano Competition, I miejsca w Chappell Medal Piano Competition oraz II miejsca w Kendall Taylor Beethoven Piano Competition. Koncertował m.in w Londynie, Manchesterze, Brexton, Salzburgu, Heidelbergu, Majorce itp. W 2014 r. rozpoczął naukę w Xinghai Conservatory Middle School w klasie Jaya Suna. W ciągu trzech lat swojej pracy wygrał kilka konkursów stypendialnych, w tym konkurs stypendialny Yamaha. Następnie został zaproszony przez firmę Yamaha do wykonania recitalu solowego w Guiyang oraz nagrania wszystkich Inwencji i Sinfonii Bacha w Szanghaju. Jest także laureatem nagród na innych konkursach, m.in. na Pearl River Piano Competition, Irmler International Youth Piano Competition i Kawai Asian Piano Competition. Dodatkowo brał udział w kursach mistrzowskich z takimi muzykami, jak: John Perry, Krzysztof Jabłoński, Christopher Elton, Klaus Bässler, Stephen Hough, Read Gainsford, Dina Yoffe, Claudius Tanski i innych, przez których był często wysoko ceniony uważany za wybitnego interpretatora muzyki rosyjskich kompozytorów romantycznych, takich, jak: Skriabin i Medtner, oraz francuskich impresjonistów: Debussy’ego i Ravela.


Chinese pianist Yinzhi Yuan is a Frederick Johnston Scholar supported by the Steinway Scholarship who currently studies with Dina Parakhina at the Royal College of Music. He is a prize winner of many international competitions, including the 1st place of the International Medtner Competition at Heidelberg and the 3rd place of International Magnus Piano Competition, 1st place in Chappell Medal Piano Competition and the 2ndplace in Kendall Taylor Beethoven Piano Competition. He played concerts in London, Manchester, Brexton, Salzburg, Heidelberg, Mallorca etc. He began his professional studies in 2014 when he was admitted to Xinghai Conservatory Middle School, where he joined the class of Professor Jay Sun. In his three years there, he won several scholarship competitions, including the conservatory Yamaha scholarship competition and was subsequently invited by Yamaha to give a solo recital in Guiyang and record Bach’s complete Inventions & Sinfonias in Shanghai as well. He has also won prizes in other competitions, including the Pearl River Piano Competition, Irmler International Youth Piano Competition and Kawai Asian Piano Competition. Additionally, he has had the honour of playing in masterclass for leading musicians such as John Perry, Krzysztof Jablonski, Christopher Elton, Klaus Bässler, Stephen Hough, Read Gainsford, Dina Yoffe, Claudius Tanski, and others, and by whom he was often highly regarded as an outstanding interpreter of Russian romantic composers such as Scriabin and Medtner, and French Impressionists Debussy and Ravel.

5th International Baltic Piano Competition in Gdańsk